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Data Science/Image Processing

ISMAR 2007 Awards - Augmented Reality

by leanu 2008. 3. 20.

Augmented Reality 관련 영상인데
best paper 를 먹을만 하군요.
이거원 트래킹서부터 해서 인식이 너무 잘되는구만...

Best Paper Award:
Georg Klein and David Murray.
"Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces"

Best Student Paper Award:
Denis Kalkofen, Erick Mendez, and Dieter Schmalstieg.
"Interactive Focus and Context Visualization for Augmented Reality"

Honorable Mention Award:
Cindy M. Robertson and Blair MacIntyre.
"An Evaluation of Graphical Context as a Means for Ameliorating the Effects of Registration Error"
